FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Ashton Oaks located in the City Limits?


What Schools do the children attend?

Southwest Elementary, Middle, and High School all conveniently located within a 2-mile drive.  Click on the underlined link to learn more about the Southwest schools.

What Utilities are used?

What's so special about High Point "Market"

Facts and Figures...In 2003 Market Guests spent $310 million while in North Carolina:

$127 million on accommodations

$80 million on food and entertainment

$53 million for transportation

$25 million for retail purchases

$22 million for state & local taxes

$3 million for miscellaneous services

188 Buildings

3,000 Exhibitors

75,000 Attendees

11 Million Square Feet of Showroom Space

More information can be found at the Market website.